

W母鸡 Michael Levine ' 22 discovered the Bloomberg terminals in the trading room at Apfelbaum Hall, he quickly decided to learn how to use the popular financial software tool he had heard so much about and even seen on TV.

“我把实验作为自己的目标, 当我开始使用终端时, 这就是我个人旅程的起点. 这是打开新世界的钥匙,莱文说, pointing out that it not only provides data about the financial markets, 但是更多的, 包括最新的, 全世界的News.

So captivated by the breadth of information this resource puts at his fingertips, 莱文的目标是获得彭博社的认证, 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院让这个机会成为可能.

The certification was pivotal in giving Levine an edge in landing an internship at Bloomberg LP — where he now works full time as a senior portfolio and risk analyst. “我每天都在使用彭博(终端),”他说.

The business school added a guarantee of Bloomberg certification so all business students graduate with this valuable credential on their résumés. 根据 詹姆斯Pomykalski, associate professor and department head of finance and analytics at Susquehanna’s Sigmund Weis Business School, 该程序已被纳入数据收集和建模, 所有商科专业的必修课. 通常在第三学期, it trains students to think about data and to use various tools that they’ll need throughout their careers.

What’s more, students will need to achieve Bloomberg certification in order to pass the class. 这样做, students must complete a series of four video modules on economic indicators, 货币, 固定收益和股票. 需要8个小时才能完成, and students must earn a score of 70% or higher on quizzes built into each module.

“We decided that we needed to give our students a leg up in the job market,” Pomykalski says. “The idea was to give them at least some exposure to and familiarity with Bloomberg terminals so they could t母鸡 be used as part of not only the Introduction to Finance course, 财务报告课, 但除此之外的其他金融课程.”

除了为学生准备金融课程, 彭博终端也是其他研究领域的资源.

“这确实是数据的母矿脉,”他说 彼得Dadalt他是金融和分析学助理教授. “这有很多长期效用, 不仅仅是金融专业的学生, 而是对所有专业的学生. The additional benefit is it signals to a [potential] employer that the student gets it, that they understand that these are the sorts of things they have to be invested in to succeed in their careers.”

Susquehanna has a total of 16 Bloomberg terminals — 12 in the trading room in Apfelbaum Hall and another four in the library — accessible to all students for use on homework assignments, 自己的特殊项目和研究.

在当今的就业市场上,拥有彭博认证也是一项优势. “Our students are most interested in getting internships and jobs,” Dadalt says. “One of the things that makes the Bloomberg terminal so cool is that you can contact anybody who is on the system directly, 所以学生们有可能用它来建立人际关系.”

他们也可以用它来准备面试, 获取组织的最新消息, 关于竞争对手的信息, 以及行业的主要趋势. “You can get real business intelligence out of this, not just financial information. Give students an hour on it and they could be fully prepared for an interview,” he adds.

Dadalt, 教授固定收益课程并监管河鹰基金的人, 学生会联合会的投资组合, frequently takes his students to the Bloomberg terminals to do research. He said that it’s not typical for a school of Susquehanna’s size to have 16 Bloomberg terminals.

“My guess is that there are very few schools that have more per capita than Susquehanna because most schools of our size don’t have a terminal, 如果他们这么做了, 它们有最小值,他说. “I’m constantly amazed at the kind of resources that we’re able to provide for our students. 我们往往打得比我们的体重级别高得多.”

The Bloomberg terminals arrived on campus in 2014, courtesy of funding from generous donors. Since t母鸡, hundreds of students have used them and earned certification. 这一要求不仅会大幅增加这一数字, but will also ensure that the business school turns out graduates who are equipped to land jobs and hit the ground running.

海莉·鲍登,25岁, 雪山大学金融专业的学生, 马里兰, 谁在2021年获得了彭博社认证, 就像Levine说的那样, 她在浩博体育app的第一年也学过这种工具.

“I was genuinely intrigued and I quickly grasped the immense value of becoming Bloomberg certified,她说。. “丰富的信息触手可及, it became evident how valuable this certification could be for conducting research, 完成课堂作业和合作完成小组项目.”

The future financial analyst added that the Bloomberg terminals became her “second home. 我获得的知识和技能是不可估量的, and I firmly believe they will continue to serve me well beyond my time at Susquehanna.”